
发布时间:2024-02-25 01:21
  当今中国传统文化面临着巨大的挑战。改革开放以来,国人受到外来文化,尤其是美国文化的强烈冲击,逐渐的淡忘了我们自己的优良传统文化。时尚和流行元素正一步步将深奥的传统文化淡出许多国人,尤其是年轻人的头脑;与此同时,许多外国人却对中国文化垂涎已久,正千方百计想把这些精华据为己有。世界知识产权保护体系成全了这些别有用心的外国人,他们利用各国知识产权保护立法的差异以及缺陷,疯狂的抢注一些中国传统文化的知识产权。至于那些没有涵盖在知识产权保护范围内的传统文化在没有有效保护措施和充分的考虑的情况下暴露在世人面前。这也引发了一些外国人抢占中国宝贵文化财富。这些做法既伤害了我们的民族情感,又侵犯了我们的经济利益。基于此笔者选择了写这篇论文。 第一章,介绍了一些关键的名词定义,如传统文化,知识产权等。然后简要的介绍了有关的一些背景资料。 第二章,介绍了在全球化条件下中国传统文化保护存在的问题。主要有五点:传统文化定义广,产权难界定;立法不合理,执行力差;申请程序复杂繁琐;人们不重视;某些传统文化处在毁灭的边缘。 第三章,揭示上述问题存在的五大原因:经济原因,政治原因,社会原因,制度原因,以及国际原因。 在...

【文章页数】:78 页


Chapter I Introduction
    1.1 Definitions
    1.2 Background of IPP of CTK
Chapter II Problems in IPP of CTK
    2.1 Too Many Aspects of Traditional Knowledge
    2.2 Unreasonable National Legislation and Noneffective Execution
        2.2.1 No specialized Legislation on Protection of CTK
        2.2.2 Defects in China's Legislation Being Abused
        2.2.3 Noneffective and Nonstrict Execution
    2.3 Copious Application Procedures
    2.4 Little Consideration on Protection of CTK
    2.5 Weakening Status of CTK
        2.5.1 Less Popularity of Some CTK
        2.5.2 CTK's Commonality
        2.5.3 Inappropriate Protections
Chapter III Reasons behind Problems
    3.1 Economic factor: Imbalance between Short Term Cost and Long Term Benefit
    3.2 Political factor: Weak Negotiation Status of China in the World
    3.3 Social factor: Prevalence of OEM in China
    3.4 Systematic Factor: No institutions specialized in evaluating and protecting CTK and its IP
    3.5 International Factor: Globalization
Chapter IV Examples and Suggestions
    4.1 The Practice of Protection of TK in Foreign Countries
        4.1.1 Practice in America
        4.1.2 Practices in Japan
    4.2 Suggestions and Countermeasures
        4.2.1 Develop Economy and Upgrade Industrial Structure
        4.2.2 Encourage Innovation
        4.2.3 Take Actions Right Now
        4.2.4 Take Advantage of Media
Chapter V Conclusions
    5.1 Outlook of IPP of CTK
        5.1.1 Revivification of CTK
        5.1.2 Enterprises and Mass Becoming the Main Force
        5.1.3 World Culture Becoming Multivariable
    5.2 Challenges Faced by IPP of CTK
        5.2.1 More Complicate International Rules and Practices
        5.2.2 More Difficult to Protect CTK in Foreign Countries
        5.2.3 Tampering of Globalization




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