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发布时间:2023-06-03 07:40
  阅读,作为获取信息的主要工具,是职业英语教学的重要组成部分。提高学生的阅读能力是职业英语教育的一个重要目标。因此针对如何才能行之有效的指导学生提高阅读能力的教学研究层出不穷。然而职业学校学生英语阅读现在仍然令人堪忧,为解决这一问题,本文作者试图寻找一种有效的教学方法来应用到英语阅读教学实践中。源于维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论,支架式教学模式是由Jerome Bruner首先提出的教学策略。教师根据学生智力和理解能力的“最近发展区”,为学生搭建合适的支架,帮助学生完成一些学生无法独立完成的任务。在完成学习任务同时能力也得到提高,最后撤掉支架,学生自己能够独立地解决问题,学生因此也变得独立和自信。支架式阅读教学模式分为五个步骤:搭建脚手架、进入情境、探索发现、合作学习、形成评价。这种教学模式把阅读过程中复杂的任务加以分解,进而增强了学生英语阅读的兴趣和自信,为职业学校教师组织英语阅读课提供了很好的指导作用。本研究包含三个研究问题:1)支架式教学法在职业英语阅读课堂上的应用是否激发学生的阅读兴趣?2)学生对阅读课上的支架式教学法有什么样的反馈?3)支架式教学法在职业英语阅读课堂上的应用是否能...

【文章页数】:78 页


List of Tables
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
        1.1.1 The importance of English reading
        1.1.2 The problems of reading teaching and learning in vocational schools
    1.2 Research purpose and significance
        1.2.1 Research purpose
        1.2.2 Research significance
    1.3 Thesis structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Researches on reading teaching
        2.1.1 Definition of reading
        2.1.2 Previous Researches on reading
    2.2 Researches on Scaffolding Instruction
        2.2.1 Definition of scaffold instruction
        2.2.2 Previous Researches on Scaffolding Instruction
        2.2.3 Teaching model of scaffolding instruction
        2.2.4 Scaffolding instruction and reading teaching
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
    3.2 Interactive Hypothesis
    3.3 Constructivism
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Subjects
    4.3 Research methods and instruments
        4.3.1 Questionnaire
        4.3.2 Interview
        4.3.3 Pre-test and post-test
        4.3.4 SPSS 19.0
    4.4 Research procedures
        4.4.1 Pre-test and pre-questionnaire
        4.4.2 Experimental stage
        4.4.3 Post-test and post-questionnaire
        4.4.4 Interview
    4.5 Dada collection
    4.6 A sample lesson plan
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
    5.1 Analysis of the data collected from the questionnaire
        5.1.1 Analysis of the data collected from the pre-questionnaire
        5.1.2 Analysis of the data collected from the post-questionnaire
        5.1.3 Comparison between the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire
    5.2 Analysis of the data collected test papers
        5.2.1 Analysis of the data collected from the pre-test
        5.2.2 Analysis of the data collected from the post-test
        5.2.3 Comparison between pre-test and post-test of the two classes
    5.3 Analysis of the interview
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Findings
    6.2 Implications
    6.3 Limitations
    6.4 suggestions
Appendix I Questionnaire
Appendix II The Outline of the Interview
Appendix III The Pre-test of Reading Comprehension
Appendix IV The Post-test of Reading Comprehension




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