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发布时间:2016-09-23 19:06


股票市场与经济增长匹配周期的研究 Study on matching period of stock market and economic growth

  • 分类: 数量经济学
  • 作者:李楠博 作者本人请参看权利申明










    The stock market is the important component of the capital market, from the point of view of the global scale, the effect of stock market was not limited to the growth of corporate financing, financing, is the optimization of all economic and social capital to set equipment, furnishings useful platform. The stock market is becoming stronger and stronger, and the impact on the economy is becoming more and more obvious, and the stock market's big shake, which often leads to the change of the whole micro economy. Is, the stock market and the economy to increase mutual influence mechanism of the research is increasingly valued. However, from the date of birth of the stock market, the stock market and economic growth of the coherence of the research has been in dispute. In the late period, the research is mostly confined to the study of whether the two can betray, but also there is a large amount of empirical evidence to comment on the two of the two tendencies. The author thinks that a stock market and economic increase coherent form of research, in fact, can not pure attachment empirical research to confirm the conclusion. On the contrary, should be first from a practical point of view, hands on both mutual action mechanism analysis, then ability to the actual basic, the coherent form to carry on the empirical analysis and in order to obtain more reliable conclusions. Summarize the domestic and foreign relevant research results, not difficult to find the existing research on stock market and economic increase and no fixing different conclusions. From the stock market and micro economic shake point to start research would probably think of the stock market changes on economic fluctuation is surely indicative and stock market shake change method earlier than that of micro economy falter; from the stock market and the internal economic coherence angles in military research, Nianye sector thought as long as in economy, more vigorous country or region, the stock market will be on economic growth has a significant effect. However, there are some research thought, even in developing countries, between the stock market and economic growth still exists a certain degree of coherence relations, through the process of growth in the stock market, can arrive to promote economic growth; based on the study of stock market and economic variable coherence, because the choice of variable differences obtained the different results. The research on the correlation between stock market and economic growth in our country has no obvious relationship between stock market and economic growth. To stock market related to the concept of carding, invention of the stock market has two of the eve of the main features. The first is a regression to the mean that the stock price whether above or below the central value, there is a trend of returning to the central value (intrinsic value), mean reversion characteristics from a positive reaction out, stock prices and not on each point of cities accurately in real time the stock market reaction of all the information, and this phenomenon causes can be through the process of introducing the concept of perceptually uniform to stop that, perceptually uniform is the second feature of the stock market. Based on these two characteristics and contains the efficient markets hypothesis, other related theory, this paper presents the definition of useful stock market cycle, as actual mating cycle mainly basic and practical useful cycle is refers to: in the market must exist for a long enough period of time, the period of the uniform securities price can probably reflects all the information within the period of time, when the market is useful for market. In a useful cycle as important basic theory, this paper presents stock market and economic increase mating cycle, the actual, and is stated as: reaction stock change increased the magnitude of the stock price index and economic goals between, in fact, not at any one point in time or a particular time period are mutual matching, however, will have a long enough time the two have strong coherence may call for mating with each other. This time period is defined as stock market and economic growth from the mating cycle. Mating cycle practical significance lies in not only can weigh the perfect level of stock market, perhaps to economic growth and stock market growth measure can also be. On the common market, more than the stock market on the economic impact is larger. At the same time, more of the macroeconomic situation, the impact on the stock market more in-depth, both mating cycle is short; on the contrary, mating cycle relatively long. Validation of mating cycle, selected important empirical research methods separation is optimal heat method and interspersed with spectrum analysis method, optimal heat method through physics sense, on time sequence preemptive lag relationship analysis, and interspersed with spectral analysis method is a basic Yu Shiyu analysis basic on the frequency domain analysis method, to determine the matching relationship between the two time series. Time domain analysis includes the VAR model and Granger causality test method. Application of these methods, this paper on world stock price index and economic growth between mating cycles to separate stop honed their skills and training samples contain: the economy increase goals and the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the standard & Poor's index of mating cycle, the FTSE-100 index and the British economy increased mating cycle, DAX index and the German economy increased mating cycle, the Nikkei 225 index and the Japanese economy to increase the mating period. By means of training, the stock price index and economic growth have different time length of marriage...


    摘要4-6Abstract6-8第1章 绪论11-15    1.1 研究背景与研究意义11-12    1.2 研究方法与技术路线12-14    1.3 本文的创新之处14-15第2章 文献及研究综述15-27    2.1 股票市场与宏观经济波动相关性的研究15-18    2.2 股票市场与外部经济环境相关性的研究18-20    2.3 股票市场与不同经济变量相关性的研究20-22    2.4 中国股票市场与经济增长互动性的研究22-24    2.5 本章小结24-27第3章 股票市场和经济增长的相关理论27-41    3.1 股票市场的波动理论27-31    3.2 经济增长及周期理论31-35    3.3 股票市场与经济增长的交互作用机制35-38    3.4 本章小结38-41第4章 股票市场与经济增长匹配周期的理论推演41-49    4.1 有效周期理论的提出41-44    4.2 股票市场与经济增长匹配周期理论的逻辑体系44-45    4.3 股票市场与经济增长匹配周期理论的内涵45-46    4.4 股票市场与经济增长匹配周期理论的经济学意义46-47    4.5 本章小结47-49第5章 相关实证方法概述49-59    5.1 数据和实证方法的选择49-51    5.2 热最优路径法51-54    5.3 交叉谱分析法54-56    5.4 本章小结56-59第6章 美国主要股指与经济增长匹配周期的实证检验59-81    6.1 美国股市的发展历程59-61    6.2 数据的选取和处理61-66    6.3 DJIA 和 S&P 与美国经济增长匹配的周期检验66-78    6.4 本章小结78-81第7章 欧盟主要成员国股指与经济增长匹配周期的实证检验81-99    7.1 FTSE-100 指数及其与英国经济增长匹配周期的检验81-89    7.2 DAX 指数及其与德国经济增长的匹配周期检验89-97    7.3 本章小结97-99第8章 日经指数与日本经济增长匹配周期的检验99-111    8.1 日本经济发展和日经指数的特点99-100    8.2 数据选取与处理100-102    8.3 热最优路径分析102-104    8.4 交叉谱分析104-109    8.5 本章小结109-111第9章 我国股票市场与经济增长匹配周期的研究111-125    9.1 相关文献回顾111-112    9.2 我国股票市场的描述性分析112-114    9.3 我国股票市场与经济增长匹配周期的实证分析114-122    9.4 本章小结122-125第10章 股票市场的政府行为分析——基于匹配周期视角125-149    10.1 股票市场的政府行为理论126-139    10.2 股票市场失灵及其对匹配周期的影响139-141    10.3 我国股票市场失灵和政府行为特征141-144    10.4 我国股票市场的优化路径分析144-149总结与展望149-151参考文献151-159攻读学位期间发表的学术论文及取得的科研成果159-161致谢161






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