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forest sustainable utilization elasticity of ecological econ

发布时间:2016-10-09 13:13



Analysis of Forest Sustainable Utilization in China Using a Ecological Economy Elasticity Model


Liu Lin( 1.College of Economics and Management, China Jiliang University Hangzhou 310018;)



AbstrIn this paper,the author estimated and analyzed the changing process of elasticity of forest ecological economy by applying forest stock volume and total output value of forestry data,which represent forest resource supply and economic demand,in China from 1999 to 2010 with an elastic model,to reveal the synergic relationship between the supply of forest resources and the demand of economy.The results show that 1) on the nationwide scale,the average elasticity value of ecological economy is 0.255,indicating that the rate of forest stock rise is less than the rate of forest economic growth,and suggesting ecological lagging behind.There is no increasing trend during this research interval.2)on the regional scale,the elasticity value of forest ecological economy is 1.271 in the east region,-0.277 in the west region,and-0.394 in the middle region of China.3) on the provincial scale,the elasticity value of ecological economy is 2.195 for Tianjin,1.621 for Liaoning,1.579 for Guangxi,1.472 for Guangdong,1.471 for Fujian,1.344 for Tibet,1.337 for Hebei,1.264 for Zhejiang,1.217 for Hainan,and 1.165 for Beijing,respectively.The above provinces have relatively higher elasticity.Shandong and Jiangsu have 0.984 and 0.969 of the elasticity value,respectively,and they are near the critical value of ecological lagging.The following provinces,including Sichuan,0.409,and Yunnan,0.337,are in mild lagged state.Heilongjiang,0.046,Shaanxi,0.016,Shanghai,0.003 and Inner Mongolia,0.002 are in no elastic state.The left 13 provinces are in serious lagged state,especially Ningxia,-2.488 and Qinghai,-2.714.


Keyword::forest sustainable utilization elasticity of ecological economy








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