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发布时间:2018-05-04 11:41

  本文选题:新闻发言人 + 政府形象 ; 参考:《山东大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 如今提到新闻发言人这个称谓,人们已经不再感到陌生。新闻发言人是中国对外宣传的窗口,也是沟通政府与民众的桥梁。无论在日常生活中,还是在危机状态下,新闻发言人在塑造现代政府形象上起到了日益显著的作用。鉴于目前对新闻发言人制度的研究论文多数还停留在工作总结和经验介绍的层面上,本文拟从中外对比的角度,借助新闻传播学理论,对新闻发言人制度进行理论上地讨论和深入。 新闻发言人不单单是指一个人,而是指一种制度。本文所论述的新闻发言人,是狭义上的,指的是政府新闻发言人。政府新闻发言人是相对于企业及其他社会单位的新闻发言人而言的。在美国,白宫新闻发言人是总统的代言人,总统依赖发言人宣讲政府的各项政策主张,维护自身的形象。美国的新闻发言人制度出现于十九世纪初,由于起步较早,发展到现在已经形成比较完善的体系。与美国相比,我国的新闻发言人制度的出现晚了一个多世纪,但是发展很快,这与我国政府重视对外形象、推进社会主义民主政治建设是不能分离的。目前我国已经建立三个层次、三种方式的新闻发言人制度,新闻发布的定时、定点、定人制度还在进一步的建设中。对中国和美国新闻发言人制度的起源、发展进行系统、全面地梳理,有助于与我们对其形成比较全面的认识。 在此基础上,本文运用新闻传播学理论,具体分析了中美新闻发布中一些具有代表性的案例,在对比中看到中国新闻发言人制度的特点和不足,这也是本文的主要贡献之所在。一方面,我们将“把关人”的源头分析到政府新闻发言人。在现代社会,政府掌握着大量的社会信息,政府新闻发言人在进行新闻发布时,实际将“把关”把在了媒介组织之前。“把关人”有两种性质的行为,即信息疏导和信息抑制。美国政府实行的是信息疏导,在关键时刻,这种方式往往能够有效地化解矛盾,渡过危机。而中国实行的是信息抑制,虽然在对内和对外的新闻发布活动中,这种方式多次令政府陷入被动的尴尬境地,但是历史还在反复地重演。另一方面,媒体是新闻发布中的特殊受众,当政府新闻发言人对公众关心的重要信息吞吞吐吐、欲言又止时,媒介和发言人实际上形成博弈关系。在博弈中,美国媒体到位,而中国媒体缺位。媒体有环境监测的功能,也有信息知情的权利,放弃了权利和责任,媒体存在的意义何在? 美国新闻发言人制度对中国的借鉴意义在于:首先,新闻发言人制度与新闻自由、公民的知情权、信息公开有着密不可分的关系,在传媒发达的时代,,政府对负面信息进行封锁,试图通过对负面信息不报、少报或者负面新闻正面报道的方式来达到社会稳定的目的是行不通的。国内的新闻发言人制度在责任追究体系上还有待完善,应及早建立规范化、透明化的制度保障。其次,媒体和政府应该各司其职,社会需要传媒承担起环境守望者的角色,能够为持不同的意见人群提供话语表达平台。
[Abstract]:People are no longer unfamiliar with the name of the press spokesman. The spokesman is a window on China's publicity and a bridge between the government and the people. In everyday life and under the crisis, the spokesman has played an increasingly significant role in shaping the image of the modern government. Most of the research papers on the spokesman system still remain on the level of work summary and experience introduction. This article is to discuss and deepen the press spokesman system theoretically from the angle of comparison between China and foreign countries and with the help of the theory of Journalism and communication.
A press spokesman is not only a person, but a system. The news spokesman described in this article is in a narrow sense and refers to a government spokesman. The government press spokesman is relative to the press spokesman of the enterprise and other social units. In the United States, the White House press spokesman is the spokesman of the president, and the president depends on the hair. In the early nineteenth Century, the press spokesman system of the United States appeared in the early nineteenth Century and has developed to a relatively perfect system. Compared with the United States, the press spokesman system of our country has appeared more than a century later, but it has developed rapidly, which is with the government of our country. It is inseparable to attach importance to the external image and promote the construction of socialist democratic politics. At present, our country has set up three levels, three ways of the press spokesman system, the timing, fixed-point and setting system of the news release is still in further construction. The origin of the Chinese and American news speaker system is systematically and comprehensively combed. Reason helps us to have a comprehensive understanding of its formation.
On this basis, this paper uses the theory of Journalism and communication to analyze some representative cases in the press release of China and the United States, and see the characteristics and shortcomings of the Chinese press spokesman system in contrast, which is also the main contribution of this article. On the one hand, we analyze the source of the "gatekeeper" to the government spokesman. In modern society, the government has a large number of social information. When government press spokespersons are carrying out the press release, the "gatekeepers" are actually placed before the media. "Gatekeepers" have two kinds of behavior, namely information dredging and information suppression. The United States government is carrying out information guidance. At the critical moment, this way is often effective. In the news release activities of internal and external, the government has been in a passive and embarrassing situation, but the history is still reacting again and again. On the other hand, the media is a special audience in the press release, when the government press spokesman is concerned about the public. In the game, the media and the spokesperson actually form a game relationship. In the game, the American media is in place and the Chinese media are out of position. The media has the function of environmental monitoring, the right to know the information, the right and responsibility, and what is the meaning of the media's existence?
The significance of the American press spokesman system for China is: first, the press spokesman system has a close relationship with the freedom of the press, the right to know, and the information disclosure. In the era of developed media, the government blockades negative information, trying to avoid reporting negative information or reporting negative news directly. In order to achieve social stability, the purpose of social stability is not feasible. The domestic press spokesman system remains to be perfected in the accountability system. We should establish a standardized and transparent system as early as possible. Secondly, the media and the government should take their respective roles, and the society needs the media to assume the role of the environmental watchman, and can provide a different opinion to the crowd. A platform for discourse expression.



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