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发布时间:2022-11-04 23:00
  在大多数国家,中小企业(Small and Medium-sized Enterprise,简称SME)占企业总数的90%以上,他们是国民经济的主要组成部分,对增加财政收入、扩大就业、提升社会创新水平均有明显的促进作用。这就是为什么许多国家和地区组织采取各种支持的政策和策略鼓励对中小企业的研究(中小企业在国家经济中的重要性或影响中小企业增长的因素)。因此研究影响中小企业成长的关键因素是一个热点问题。寻找可能影响科特迪瓦中小企业成长的因素,不仅事关提高它们的利润,而且事关国家发展,因为中小企业在该国促进了经济增长并创造了就业机会。这一主题是一个热门话题,因为目前以像科特迪瓦这样的发展中经济体为背景的中小型企业的研究还是很少的。这主要由于科特迪瓦的商业环境非常不利,因此开展这样的研究课题非常具有挑战性。尽管一些学者研究了影响中小企业失败或成功的因素,但还没有人以科特迪瓦为背景关注企业家能力的重要性,并进一步估计企业家能力(Entrepreneur‘s Ability,简称EA)和创业导向(Entrepreneurial Orientation,简称EO)对中小企业的成长有何种程度的影响。因... 

【文章页数】:250 页


    1. 研究背景及问题陈述
        1.1 研究背景
        1.2 问题陈述
    2. 研究目标
    3. 研究意义
        3.1 理论意义
        3.2 现实意义
    4. 研究内容
    5. 研究方法
        5.1 调查方法:问卷调查和访谈相结合
        5.2 实证研究方法:定量和定性相结合
    6. 创新点
    7. 结论与管理启示
        7.1 研究结论
        7.2 结果讨论
        7.3 管理启示
        7.4 研究展望
Chapter 1. Introduction
    1.1 Research background and problem statement
        1.1.1 Research background
        1.1.2 Problem statement
    1.2 Research objective
    1.3 Significance of the study
        1.3.1 Practical significance
        1.3.2 Theoretical significance
    1.4 Research content
    1.5 Research methods
        1.5.1 Survey methods: Questionnaire and interviews
        1.5.2 Quantitative and qualitative approach
    1.6 Contribution of the study
Chapter 2. Literature Review
    2.1 Concept of small and medium-sized enterprises
        2.1.1 Definition of SMEs
        2.1.2 The role of SMEs in economic development in Sub-saharan Africa
        2.1.3 SMEs in C(?)te d'Ivoire
    2.2 Determinants of SMEs growth
        2.2.1 Internal factors affecting SME growth
        2.2.2 External environment factors affecting SME growth
    2.3 Concept of business growth and its measurements
        2.3.1 Concept of business growth
        2.3.2 Growth measurements
    2.4 Entrepreneurial orientation and its dimensions
        2.4.1 Concept of entrepreneurial orientation
        2.4.2 Innovative orientation: Innovativeness
        2.4.3 Initiative orientation: Proactiveness
        2.4.4 Risk orientation: Risk tendency
        2.4.5 Impacts of entrepreneurial orientation on business growth
    2.5 Entrepreneurs' ability and its components
        2.5.1 Creativity ability and its measurements
        2.5.2 Risk-control ability and its measurements
        2.5.3 Learning ability and its measurements
        2.5.4 Relationship ability and its measurements
        2.5.5 Opportunity detection ability and its measurements
    2.6 Related literature on entrepreneurs‘ abilities affecting business growth
    2.7 Scrutinizing the missing areas in previous studies
    2.8 Chapter summary
Chapter 3. Overview of C(?)te d'Ivoire with respect to SMEs
    3.1 The country profile
        3.1.1 C(?)te d'Ivoire: introduction, economy, current issues, and political landscape
        3.1.2 Legal and tax framework in C(?)te d'Ivoire
        3.1.3 U.S.A investment climate statement on C(?)te d'Ivoire
    3.2 Characteristics and importance of SMEs in C(?)te d'Ivoire
        3.2.1 Characteristics of SMEs in C(?)te d'Ivoire
        3.2.2 Importance of SMEs in the Ivorian economy
    3.3 Constraints, obstacles and threats to SMEs development in C(?)te d'Ivoire
        3.3.1 Entrepreneurial balance between men and women in C(?)te d'Ivoire
        3.3.2 Poor condition of infrastructures
        3.3.3 Difficult access to finance for Ivorian SMEs
    3.4 Government and institutional policies in promoting SMEs‘ development in C(?)ted'Ivoire
        3.4.1 General policies
        3.4.2 Fiscal incentives for investment
        3.4.3 The beneficial role of the ?investment promotion centre‘
    3.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 4. Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Development
    4.1 Hypotheses on the relation between entrepreneur‘s ability and SME growth
        4.1.1 Theoretical framework based on the main hypothesis of the research
        4.1.2 Impact of EA on SMEG
    4.2 Hypotheses on the relation between entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurs‘ ability and SME growth
        4.2.1 Theoretical framework based on the main hypothesis of the research
        4.2.2. Moderating role of EO in the relationship between EA and SMEG
    4.3 Conceptual framework resulting from research hypotheses
    4.4 Chapter summary
Chapter 5. Research Methodology
    5.1 Variable specifications
        5.1.1 SMEG as the dependent variable
        5.1.2 EA as the independent variable
        5.1.3 EO as the moderating variable
        5.1.4 Firm and entrepreneur characteristics as the control variables
    5.2 Questionnaire design and validity issues
        5.2.1 Questionnaire design process
        5.2.2 Questionnaire validity issue
    5.3 Population, sampling and data collection
        5.3.1 Population
        5.3.2 Sampling procedure and sample size
        5.3.3 Data collection procedures
        5.3.4 Data collection instruments
        5.3.5 Pilot study
    5.4 Data analysis method
        5.4.1 Exploratory factor analysis
        5.4.2 Confirmatory factor analysis
        5.4.3 Regression analysis
    5.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 6. Hypotheses Testing and Analysis
    6.1. Descriptive statistics on entrepreneurs, Ivorian SMEs, and study variables
        6.1.1 Personal characteristics of entrepreneurs
        6.1.2 Characteristics of Ivorian SMEs
        6.1.3 Descriptive statistics of study variables
    6.2 Exploratory factor analysis
        6.2.1 EFA of EA
        6.2.2 EFA of EO
        6.2.3 EFA of SMEG
        6.2.4 Summary of reliability and validity indexes for final extracted factors
    6.3 Confirmatory factor analysis
        6.3.1 Composite reliability and convergent validity
        6.3.2 Assessing discriminant validity using 'Fornell and Larcker' criterion
    6.4 Regression analysis
        6.4.1 Hierarchical regressions for assessing the impact of EA on SMEG
        6.4.2 Hierarchical multiple regression for evaluating the moderating effect of EO on the linkage between EA and SMEG
    6.5 Summary of major findings
Chapter 7. Conclusion and Management Implications
    7.1 Conclusion
    7.2 Discussions
    7.3 Management implications
        7.3.1 Recommendations in regard to the positive impact of EA on SMEG
        7.3.2 Recommendations in regard to the non-impact of leaning ability on SMEG
        7.3.3 Recommendations in regard to the effect of EO on the EA–SMEG relation
    7.4 Limitations and future studies
    Appendix 1: Tax rates in the west african region
    Appendix 2: The study location
    Appendix 3: Research permit
    Appendix 4: Questionnaire
    Appendix 5: Letter of introduction

[1]创业导向有助于提升企业绩效吗——基于创业导向型企业高管胜任特征的中介效应[J]. 贾建锋,赵希男,于秀凤,王国锋.  南开管理评论. 2013(02)




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