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发布时间:2023-03-05 12:50
  镉(Cd)对生态环境有严重的危害,水稻中精米的镉含量超过食品安全国家标准(GB2762-2017)规定的0.2 mg/kg即为镉大米。在中国,约13万公顷的土地由于受到镉污染而无法利用。硒(Se)是一种能缓解镉毒性的重要元素。富硒食品近年来受到越来越多的关注,但富硒水稻在减轻镉胁迫方面的研究尚不深入。本文选用富硒水稻和非富硒水稻品种,研究了不同播种时期(早播,晚播),不同镉和硒浓度处理下,水稻的根,茎,叶和穗(穗杆,颖壳,米糠,胚乳和胚)等器官和土壤到对重金属的吸收与积累。进行了四项独立的野外实验。通过实验得出以下结论:1.土壤中添加硒和镉的多少与其在水稻籽粒中的含量有显著的线性关系。大约50-70%的重金属在被吸水稻吸收并积累,而5-20%的重金属则残留于土壤中。在硒浓度为0.4 mg/kg时可以显著提高籽粒中的总硒含量,并缓解镉的毒性。富硒水稻和非富硒水稻的穗和根对总硒积累影响表现更为突出。由于米糠中积累了大部分重金属残留,水稻的脱壳和精加工可显著减少稻米镉的含量。同一水稻品种,迟播比其正常播种在籽粒中积累更多的硒和镉。总的来说,本研究发现硒可减轻镉的毒性,但在T2

【文章页数】:141 页


1.Chapter Ⅰ.Literature Review
        1.1.2.Effect of Cd on human health
        1.1.3.Cd uptake and translocation in rice
        1.1.4.Heavy metal mediated response in damaging higher plants development
        1.1.5.Effect of Cd on mineral’s uptake and translocation in distinct plant parts,altering the nutritional status of crops
        1.1.6.Effect of Cd on plant health and riskless range
        1.1.7.Effect of Cd on plant’s functional response
        1.1.8.Management strategies of Cd stress
        1.2.1.Selenium available forms and ionic State
        1.2.2.Effect of Se on plant health
        1.2.3.Se uptake and transport in plants
        1.2.4.Effect of Se on living bodies
        1.2.5.Selenium protective role in scavenging Cd oxidative damages
        1.2.6.Research status of Selenium biofortification
        1.2.7.Research progress on the treatment of selenium applied by exogenous sources to produce selenium-rich crops
        1.2.8.Screening of selenium-rich breeding material
   and Z5097B breeding process
  ,Z2057B,Z3055A and Z3055B breeding process
    1.3.The need for the project and significance of this study
    1.4.Research content and technical route map
2.Chapter Ⅱ Experiment1.Crosstalk between Cadmium and Selenium at Elevated Cadmium Stress Determine the Fate of Selenium uptake in Rice
    2.2.Material and Methods
        2.2.1.Experimental Material
        2.2.2.Planting Conditions
        2.2.3.Nutrient treatments used in the experiment
        2.2.4.Selenium content in Na2SeO3
  •         2.2.5.Cadmium content in CdCl2.2?H2O
            2.2.6.Selenium and cadmium stress treatment groups
            2.2.7.Sample preparation and metal analysis
            2.2.8.Determination of total Se in rice samples
            2.2.9.Determination of Cd contents in rice samples
            2.2.10.Determination of Se and Cd in soil samples
            2.2.11.Estimation of heat units for each respective stage
            2.2.12.Statistical Analysis
        2.3.Results and Discussions
    3.Chapter Ⅲ Experiment2.Effect of metal treatment on nutrition and morphophysiological properties of rice
        3.2.Material and Methods
            3.2.1.Nutrient treatment groups for rice morphophysiological(IRGA,SPAD)aspects determination
            3.2.2.Nutrient treatment groups for rice nutritional aspects determination
            3.2.3.Elemental Analysis
            3.2.4.Chlorophyll content(mg/g)SPAD Value
            3.2.5.Photosynthetic characteristics
            3.2.6.Grain yield(g/plant)
            3.2.7.Statistical Analysis
        3.3.Results and Discussions
    4.Chapter Ⅳ Experiment3.The paradox in accumulation behaviour of Cadmium and Selenium at different planting times in rice
        4.2.Materials and Methods
            4.2.1.Planting Conditions
            4.2.2.Nutrients determination and fixation for the experiment
            4.2.3.Heat units estimation and elemental analysis
            4.2.4.Physiological differences in leaves
            4.2.5.Statistical Analysis
        4.3.Results and Discussion
    5.Chapter Ⅴ Experiment4.Accumulation,mobilization and transformation of selenium in rice grain provided with foliar sodium selenite
        5.2.Materials and Methods
            5.2.1.Experimental Material
            5.2.2.Material pre-treatment and powder preparation
            5.2.3.Determination of total Se:electrothermal plate digestion-atomic fluorescence spectrometry
            5.2.4.Determination of inorganic Se:extraction of dilute acids- atomic fluorescence spectrometry
            5.2.5.Statistical Analysis
        5.3.Results and Discussion
    6.Experimental Findings,Conclusions and Future Prospects
    Authors CV


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