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发布时间:2018-07-22 21:03
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years, discourse markers have become a hot topic in pragmatics. Many researches on discourse markers have been carried out by Chinese and foreign scholars. However, the research on contrastive discourse markers in English learners' academic writing is rare. Contrastive discourse markers used to identify the contrastive relationship between language fragments are essential language forms in academic writing. This paper compares the use of contrastive discourse markers between English majors and native speakers in a master's degree thesis in order to explore the characteristics and problems of the use of contrastive discourse markers in Chinese English majors' academic writing. The purpose of this study is to explore three questions: first, what are the similarities and differences in the types and frequency of the use of contrastive discourse markers between native English speakers and Chinese English majors in their master's degree thesis writing? Second, what are the similarities and differences in the syntactic structure of the use of contrastive discourse markers between native English speakers and Chinese English graduate students? Third, what are the problems in the use of contrastive discourse markers in the writing of master's degree thesis by Chinese English majors compared with native English learners? Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of 41 Chinese and foreign master theses from Chinese and foreign excellent master's thesis databases and ProQuest database, the following conclusions can be drawn: first, The frequency of use of contrastive discourse markers is lower than that of native speakers, and the types of contrastive discourse markers are not as rich as native speakers. They rely on simple and familiar contrastive discourse markers, such as buttocks and thousands of thoughthough. Second, English majors tend to use some contrastive discourse markers too much or too little. Thirdly, Chinese students are less flexible than their native speakers in the use of contrastive discourse markers, which are flexible in position change. They tend to use contrastive discourse markers only in the beginning or in the sentence. This study enriches the research on contrastive discourse markers and provides some suggestions for the teaching and acquisition of contrastive discourse markers, which has some implications for the teaching of English writing.


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