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发布时间:2018-10-14 09:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing frequency of cultural exchanges around the world, the importance of the external dissemination of traditional culture is increasing. As one of the most common languages in the world, English has made outstanding contributions to the promotion of communication among countries around the world. In many traditional enterprises, tea enterprises with its profound cultural heritage provoked the beam of cultural transmission. Therefore, the rhetorical art and translation skills of English advertising in tea enterprises have become one of the most important topics. Under this background, this paper first analyzes the problems existing in the English advertising of tea enterprises, and then expounds the rhetorical methods of English advertisements of tea enterprises in detail. Finally, this paper makes a systematic study on the translation techniques of tea enterprises' English advertisements, hoping to be helpful to the rhetorical art and translation techniques of tea enterprises' English advertisements.
【作者单位】: 江西师范高等专科学校;


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