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design personnel 在 美术书法雕塑与摄影 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-13 17:43
















    Only improving the comprehensive quality of the display art design personnel can we continuously put the comprehensive display art to totally new level, and thus increase and guide the cultural consumption and aesthetic judgment of the mass audience.




    Innovation Quality Training of Art Design Personnel



    In the education of artistic design, there exist a lot of problems such as the disjoining between the training of basic courses and professional design, valuing the training Of skill more than new ideas, valuing computerized special effects more than the working out of sketches . All these affect the quality of the nurture of artistic design personnel.



    From the angle of curricular system construction,teaching reform,teacher development,laboratory and training base promotion and social practice,this article makes an exploration and analysis on how to build up an ed- ucation mode in the training of applied higher vocational decorative design personnel.



    In the teaching system of traditional textile colleges, all specialized courses are relatively independent and lack mutual penetration and connection, which, in some degree, influences students’ overall understanding of professional knowledge. The writers integrate the related professional knowledge in this course, carry out teaching reform with practical training lessons as the breakthrough points, put emphasis on the mutual relation with other related courses of home textile speciality and make a beneficial exploration for the cultivation of new textile design personnel.




    Exploration and Practice on the Education Mode for Applied Decorative Design Personnel



查询“design personnel”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


  design personnel

The resilient predictor model and data are readily available to pavement design personnel statewide.


This may have been the result of the mechanical design personnel not informing the systems and software personnel of the results in a timely manner.


Table 2.1.1 lists the design personnel and their assignment areas.


Our solutions are going through preliminary testing by the service design personnel for impementability and their response is very encouraging.


Instead, a subjective numerical adjustment was made based on maintenance and design personnel's experience.



In the education of artistic design, there exist a lot of problems such as the disjoining between the training of basic courses and professional design, valuing the training Of skill more than new ideas, valuing computerized special effects more than the working out of sketches . All these affect the quality of the nurture of artistic design personnel. In order to impel the education of artistic design to stride forward further, it is necessary to do the following : Breaking through the traditional...

In the education of artistic design, there exist a lot of problems such as the disjoining between the training of basic courses and professional design, valuing the training Of skill more than new ideas, valuing computerized special effects more than the working out of sketches . All these affect the quality of the nurture of artistic design personnel. In order to impel the education of artistic design to stride forward further, it is necessary to do the following : Breaking through the traditional mode of thinking and the mode of running a school; advocating bringing forth new ideas:fostering individuality; valuing practice, tradition and basic courses; advocating running schools in one' s own way and creating a teaching environment open to the outside world.


Along with the times development and the progress of science and technology, breaking the old traditional thinking method and offering museum display with new design thought have become the urgent task to change the thought of our museum working members. Only improving the comprehensive quality of the display art design personnel can we continuously put the comprehensive display art to totally new level, and thus increase and guide the cultural consumption and aesthetic judgment of the mass audience.


From the angle of curricular system construction,teaching reform,teacher development,laboratory and training base promotion and social practice,this article makes an exploration and analysis on how to build up an ed- ucation mode in the training of applied higher vocational decorative design personnel.



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