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发布时间:2016-07-11 20:02


普 通 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目:论音乐对体育舞蹈的作用与影响 学 院 艺术学院 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 音乐学 届 别 指导教师 职 称 讲师 摘 摘要 音乐不仅是舞蹈的灵魂,而且音乐与舞蹈血肉相连;一个是优美、抒情、激动的音乐,,另一个是多彩多姿的舞蹈动作。音乐与体育舞蹈她们就像是不可分离的姐妹,有着密切的联系。在舞蹈中,舞者的形象是靠视觉和听觉和谐一致而引起美感的, 一旦离开了音乐的配合, 体育舞蹈就会失去它的生命力。在体育舞蹈中,音乐不仅仅是表现舞蹈节奏的工具,更重要的是体现出体育舞蹈的内在美来,因此必须将音乐和体育舞蹈有机紧密地融为一体,充分认识到音乐对体育舞蹈的作用与影响。只有掌握好音乐的更多知识,才能更加深入地理解音乐与体育舞蹈的关系,提高舞蹈水平与舞蹈修养。 【关键词】音乐 体育舞蹈 作用 影响 Abstract Music is not only is the soul of dance music, but also contacted as flesh and blood; one is beautiful, lyrical, exciting music; the other is the colorful dance moves. They are like dance music and sports are inseparable sisters, and closely linked. In dance, the dancers rely on visual and auditory image of harmony and the sense of beauty, once they left with the music, dance sport will lose its vitality. In Dance, music is not just a tool for the performance of dance rhythms, more importantly, reflect the inner beauty of dance to sports, and music and physical education must be closely integrated organic dance, fully aware of the dance music sports Role and impact. Only master more knowledge of music to a more in-depth understanding of the relationship between dance music and sports to improve the level of dance and dance training. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 【 keywords 】 前言 6 1、体育舞蹈概述及





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