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发布时间:2023-08-09 17:41
  “文学文体学”特指以阐释文学文本的主题意义和美学价值为目的的文体学派。文学文体学是连接语言学与文学批评的桥梁,它集中探讨作者如何通过对语言的选择来表达和加强主题意义和美学效果。它是文学批评中更为客观、科学的理论途径。文学文体学是文学研究从主观走向客观的桥梁,是评价翻译质量和进行翻译批评的重要工具。 将文学文体学应用于翻译实践,有利于译者增强文体意识和领会文体风格,更好地把握语言形式所阐发的主题意义和美学功能,更注重形式和内容之间的交互作用,从而尽可能避免翻译中的文体损差。同时,将其应用于翻译批评可帮助翻译批评者和研究者发现各种“假象等值”现象,使评论更为客观。因此文学文体学对翻译批评和翻译研究具有重要意义。 Walden出版于1854年,是19世纪美国著名文学家梭罗的代表作,也是该作家哲学思想的集中体现,是美国文学史上的一部杰作。英国著名作家乔治·艾略特称之为“美国文学中最无可争议的作品,百年来长销不衰的心灵圣经,超凡入圣的好书”。Walden最早的完整中译本由徐迟先生1949年翻译完成,成为了经久不衰的经典散文。在此后的60多年时间里,不断有新的译本推出,尤其是2003年之后,新译本...

【文章页数】:67 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 The significance of the study
    1.3 The structure of the thesis
2. Literature Review
    2.1 Researches on the translation of Walden
    2.2 Translation studies from the perspective of literary stylistics
3. Theoretical Basis: Style, Stylistics, and Literary Stylistics
    3.1 Style and stylistics
        3.1.1 Style
        3.1.2 Stylistics
    3.2 Key aspects of literary stylistics
        3.2.1 Definition of literary stylistics
        3.2.2 Study object and task of literary stylistics
        3.2.3 Deviation and foregrounding
        3.2.4 Analytical procedures of literary stylistics
    3.3 Application of literary stylistics to translation studies
4. Walden and Its Chinese Translations
    4.1 Henry David Thoreau and his writing
    4.2 Walden and its stylistic features
        4.2.1 Walden: an introduction
        4.2.2 Stylistic features of Walden
    4.3 Walden's Chinese translations
        4.3.1 Xu Chi and his translation
        4.3.2 Li Jihong and his translation
5. A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Walden
    5.1 Lexical level
        5.1.1 Degree of formality
        5.1.2 Expressive meaning
        5.1.3 Acceptability of lexis
    5.2 Syntactic level
        5.2.1 Simple sentence
        5.2.2 Compound sentence
        5.2.3 Complex sentence
    5.3 Rhetorical level
        5.3.1 Metaphor
        5.3.2 Pun
        5.3.3 Personification
        5.3.4 Parallelism
    5.4 Graphological level
        5.4.1 Figures
        5.4.2 Dashes
        5.4.3 Italic text
    5.5 Representation of the tones of the original
        5.5.1 Prophetic tone
        5.5.2 Conversational tone
        5.5.3 Ironic and humorous tone
    5.6 Summary of the different stylistic features in the two versions
    5.7 Causes of different stylistic features in the two versions
        5.7.1 Different historical backgrounds
        5.7.2 Different life experiences
6. Conclusion




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