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发布时间:2019-02-23 20:43
[Abstract]:The spirit of Chinese aesthetics and art is an important part of Chinese excellent traditional culture and the gene of the development of Chinese literature and art. Inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of Chinese aesthetics and art is of great value and significance to the current literary and artistic creation and is an important guarantee for the prosperity of socialist literature and art. To inherit and carry forward the Chinese aesthetic spirit and artistic spirit, we should combine the new conditions of the times, realize the creative transformation of the Chinese aesthetic spirit and the artistic spirit, and master the right to speak of the Chinese aesthetic spirit and the artistic spirit in the era of globalization. In the information age, digital technology should be used to spread the spirit of Chinese aesthetics and art, which should be established on the basis of the life of the masses of the people, and the discovery of beauty and the creation of art should be carried out continuously.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学艺术学院;
【基金】:湖南省教育厅优秀青年科研项目(16B097) 湖南科技大学2016年教研教改项目


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