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发布时间:2018-03-13 00:24

  本文选题:文献题名 切入点:计量单位 出处:《中南药学》2018年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The submission Guide for one is submitted online, at http: / / znyx.cbpt.cnki.net. click on the "author's submission system" to register contributions. After receiving the manuscript, the system will automatically reply to the notice of receipt. The notice of receipt will have the manuscript number on the notice, and the paper submission will no longer be received. The first review is 1 ~ 3rd. About 15th, The holidays and holidays are postponed; about one month or so will be given whether or not to be hired or not (if the author actively cooperates with the case, the withdrawal time is generally 2 weeks (supplementary experimental data or supplementary experiments can be extended, if the repair can not be scheduled, Need to inform the editorial department of the reasons for the delay, overdue in excess of


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