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发布时间:2018-05-10 17:27

  本文选题:实用中医药杂志 + 征订启事 ; 参考:《儿科药学杂志》2014年11期

[Abstract]:Under the guidance of the late world famous scientist and vice chairman of the National People's Congress, under the guidance of Lu Jiaxi, the deputy chairman of the National People's Congress, it was founded by the new municipality directly under the central government of Chongqing, which is an outstanding academic journal of traditional Chinese medicine, which is publicly issued at home and abroad. At the same time, we also give consideration to medical evaluation and provide information and information on various aspects of medical development and application. It mainly publishes articles related to the clinical reports and academic research of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It has treatises, observation and research, clinical experience exchange, non drug therapy, combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, prescription medicine foreign use, old medicine.



相关期刊论文 前10条

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10 ;《实用中医药杂志》[J];儿科药学杂志;1999年02期




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