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发布时间:2018-05-11 18:43

  本文选题:中国药学会 + 医药行业 ; 参考:《药学进展》2018年01期

[Abstract]:The National Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, sponsored by the Chinese University of Pharmacy and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society, was founded in 1959 and has been repositioned since 2014, with 80 pages of the monthly magazine and full-color printing. With the aim of promoting the technical progress of the industry, the journal provides a comprehensive report on the innovation chain, discipline chain and technology chain of pharmaceutical scientific research for all those engaged in medicine teaching, scientific research, production, management and clinical work. The research frontier and progress of the industrial chain at home and abroad is a research train of thought in the fields of research and development of new drugs, development trends of disciplines, clinical pharmaceutical applications, pharmaceutical laws and regulations and policies, etc. Specialized media on methods and technical information. Journal of Pharmaceutical Progress, which focuses on summary and critical articles, advances in pharmacology, approaches to scientific research, target mechanisms, new drug research and development reports, clinical drug analysis, and international medicine.


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