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发布时间:2018-03-04 00:11

  本文选题:中国医药导刊 切入点:药品监督 出处:《中国医药导刊》2015年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The State Food and Drug Administration and the Information Center of the State Administration of Food and Drug Administration are responsible for the publication of the national core journal of pharmaceutical science and technology, a monthly magazine. For the core journals of Chinese science and technology. This journal gives priority to the publication of papers on projects funded by scientific research funds of provincial and ministerial departments. Welcome to submit articles. Column setup: policies and regulations, clinical medicine, clinical research and application of drugs, basic research, rational use of drugs, Large-scale clinical trials, guidelines for disease treatment, health economics, medicine


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9 ;《中国医药导刊》2005年作者索引[J];中国医药导刊;2005年06期

10 ;《中国医药导刊》介绍及投稿须知[J];中国医药导刊;2005年01期

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1 本报记者 李国政 通讯员 尹雪峰;鄂庄矿职工“技”“医”双全双平安[N];经理日报;2009年




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