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发布时间:2019-05-22 21:19
[Abstract]:In the marine insurance settlement business, if the loss suffered by the subject matter insured is recognized as the presumptive total loss, then the insurer shall pay to the insured all the indemnities determined under the policy in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract. After receiving full compensation, the insured may pay the damaged subject matter to the insurer. How does the insurer deal with the abandonment request made by the insured? This should start with the concept of abandonment, analyze the relationship between abandonment and presumptive total loss, discuss the different attitudes of the insurer and the insured towards the abandonment, and apply the relevant provisions of the Maritime Law of our country and the relevant maritime laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. This paper probes into the legal effect and utility of the commission.
【作者单位】: 广东金融学院保险系


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