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发布时间:2019-06-01 21:33
[Abstract]:From the perspective of industrial agglomeration, this paper studies the industrial agglomeration of forest products industry in China and the economic effect of industrial agglomeration, and puts forward some suggestions for optimizing the layout of forest products industry in China in order to promote the good and rapid development of forest products industry in China. Through the theoretical study of the effect of industrial agglomeration, this paper explains the feasibility of studying the problem of industrial layout from the perspective of industrial agglomeration, and puts forward the necessity of studying the problem of industrial layout on the basis of the study of the present situation of the development of forest industry in China. By using the method of location quotient, this paper analyzes the agglomeration situation of the four economic zones and provinces of forest products industry in China by constructing the situation model of industrial agglomeration, and divides 31 provinces and cities into dominant type, real type, potential type and inferior type. The relationship between industrial agglomeration of forest products and regional economic growth is discussed by using grey relational theory, and the economic effect of industrial agglomeration is illustrated by practical cases. Combined with the above research results, this paper puts forward some strategic suggestions for optimizing the industrial layout of forest products industry, and puts forward some concrete measures to promote industrial agglomeration from the point of view of the construction of industrial parks.


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