name lang="CN">王法辉, name lang="CN">刘瑜, name lang="CN">王姣娥. 交通网络与城市结构研究——理论框架与中美两国实证案例[J]. 地理科学进展, year>2014, volume>33(10): fpage>1289-lpage>1299. 本文从城市体系和" />
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[1] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">王法辉, <name lang="CN">刘瑜, <name lang="CN">王姣娥. 交通网络与城市结构研究——理论框架与中美两国实证案例[J]. 地理科学进展, <year>2014, <volume>33(10): <fpage>1289-<lpage>1299.


DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.10.001     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Wang <given-names>Fahui, <name>Liu <given-names>Yu, <name>Wang <given-names>Jiaoe.Transport networks,intraurban structure and system of cities: A Sino-US comparative perspective. Progress in Geography, <year>2014, <volume>33(10): <fpage>1289-<lpage>1299.]

[2] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Ewing <given-names>Reid, <name>Cervero <given-names>Robert.Travel and the Built Environment[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, <year>2010,<volume>76(3): <fpage>265-<lpage>294.?wd=paperuri%3A%28095866f8d7d469f47c81528721159cd3%29&filter=sc_long_sign&tn=SE_xueshusource_2kduw22v&sc_vurl=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fservlet%2Flinkout%3Fsuffix%3Db18%26dbid%3D16%26doi%3D10.1108%252FIJRDM-08-2013-0153%26key%3D10.1080%252F01944361003766766&ie=utf-8&sc_us=16760738166818975963 [3] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Handy Susan <given-names>L, <name>Clifton Kelly <given-names>J.Evaluating Neighborhood Accessibility: Possibilities and Practicalities[J]. Journal of Transportation and Statistics, <year>2001, <volume>4(2/3): <fpage>67-<lpage>78.

Efforts to improve transportation choices and enhance accessibility at the neighborhood level have been hampered by a lack of practical planning tools. This paper identifies the factors that contribute to accessibility at the neighborhood level and explores different ways that planners can evaluate neighborhood accessibility. A gap between the data needed to describe important accessibility factors and the data readily available to local planning departments points to two complementary strategies: a city-wide approach using available data and geographic information systems to evaluate accessibility to neighborhoods across the city, and a neighborhood specific approach to building a detailed accessibility database. Examples are presented of both.

[4] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Boarnet <given-names>Marlon, <name>Sarmiento <given-names>Sharon.Can Land-Use Policy Really Affect Travel Behaviour? A Study of the Link between Non-Work Travel and Land-Use Characteristics[J]. Urban Studies, <year>1998, <volume>35(7): <fpage>1155.?wd=paperuri%3A%2859d2d1db2711adb835bcb0a9c950ba4d%29&filter=sc_long_sign&tn=SE_xueshusource_2kduw22v& [5] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Ewing <given-names>Reid, <name>Brownson <given-names>Ross, <name>Berrigan <given-names>David.Relationship between Urban Sprawl and Weight of United States Youth[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, <year>2006,<volume>31(6): <fpage>464-<lpage>474.

Jinfeng, <name>Lyu <given-names>Bin.The Impact of Land Use on Travel. Urban Planning Forum, <year>2011,(5): <fpage>63-<lpage>72.] [9] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">谌丽, <name lang="CN">张文忠, <name lang="CN">杨翌朝. 北京城市居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实错位[J]. 地理学报, <year>2013, <volume>68(8): <fpage>1071-<lpage>1081.

服务设施可达性对于居民生活质量的重要性越来越受到国内外研究和城市规划的广泛重视,然而中国城市发展过程中却暴露出服务设施可达性下降的问题。从居民的视角出发,构建影响中国城市居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实错位的分析框架。在此基础上,分析了基于北京市2005 年居住环境调查主观数据对居民的服务设施可达性偏好。利用北京城市服务设施空间数据借助GIS评估居民的客观服务设施可达性,通过多元回归模型讨论居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实的错位情况和相关因素并侧重验证城市空间结构和住房获取渠道的影响,这些因素与中国的城市发展和住房政策变化紧密相关并将基于此提出促进居民实现其服务设施可达性偏好的城市规划和政策建议。

<mixed-citation>[<name>Chen <given-names>Li, <name>Zhang <given-names>Wenzhong, <name>Yang <given-names>Yizhao.Residents’ Incongruence between Reality and Preference of Accessibility to Facilities in the City of Beijing. Acta Geographica Sinica, <year>2013, <volume>68(8): <fpage>1071-<lpage>1081.] [10] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">周素红, <name lang="CN">杨利军. 城市开发强度影响下的城市交通[J]. 城市规划学刊, <year>2005,(2): <fpage>75-<lpage>80,49.


<mixed-citation>[<name>Zhou <given-names>Suhong, <name>Yang <given-names>Lijun.The Influence of Urban Land Intensity on Urban Tranffic. Urban Planning Forum, <year>2005,(2): <fpage>75-<lpage>80,49.] [11] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">叶玉瑶, <name lang="CN">张虹鸥, <name lang="CN">许学强,<etal lang="CN">等. 面向低碳交通的城市空间结构:理论、模式与案例[J]. 城市规划学刊, <year>2012, (5): <fpage>37-<lpage>43./s?wd=paperuri%3A%28d27bb8cbbafef36cc75ebcd3d967252b%29&filter=sc_long_sign&sc_ks_para=q%3D%E9%9D%A2%E5%90%91%E4%BD%8E%E7%A2%B3%E4%BA%A4%E9%80%9A%E7%9A%84%E5%9F%8E%E5%B8%82%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84%3A%E7%90%86%E8%AE%BA%E3%80%81%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F%E4%B8%8E%E6%A1%88%E4%BE%8B&sc_us=5596076395936743849&tn=SE_baiduxueshu_c1gjeupa&ie=utf-8 <mixed-citation>[<name>Ye <given-names>Yuyao, <name>Zhang <given-names>Hongou, Xu Xueqiang et al. The Urban Spatial Structure Towards Low-carbon Transition: Theory, Model, and Case Study. Urban Planning Forum, <year>2012, (5): <fpage>37-<lpage>43.] [12] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">柴彦威, <name lang="CN">肖作鹏, <name lang="CN">刘志林. 基于空间行为约束的北京市居民家庭日常出行碳排放的比较分析[J]. 地理科学, <year>2011, <volume>31(7): <fpage>843-<lpage>849.

围绕城市空间结构低碳化的科学命题,从转型期中国城市空间组织制度多元化与个体行为的互动机理出发,对比分析单位制和分区制形成的"社区—家庭"空间行为约束机制作用下的居民日常出行特征及其碳排放。抽样计算,2007年北京市居民家庭工作日日常出行碳排放平均约为2 529.59 g,并在社区尺度上出现了高碳与低碳的显著分化;由于土地混合利用、职住接近、设施供给齐备,内城单位社区及胡同社区对个体出行碳排放有较强的正约束作用;单位制和分区制对个体出行行为有完全异向的碳排放约束响应、作用路径和环境绩效。因此,在社区低碳减排的治理上,应综合考虑小汽车出行使用、出行总量与尺度等家庭出行特征的社区差异,形成针对性的治理设计;在城市布局上,应借鉴单位制的空间组织特点,构造职住再接近,促进低碳出行的紧凑型低碳化的城市空间体系。

<mixed-citation>[<name>Chai <given-names>Yanwei, <name>Xiao <given-names>Zuopeng, <name>Liu <given-names>Zhilin.Comparative Analysis on CO2 Emission Per Household in Daily Travel Based on Spatial Behavior Constraints. Scientia Geographica Sinica, <year>2011, <volume>31(7): <fpage>843-<lpage>849.] [13] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Zhao <given-names>Pengjun.The Impact of the Built Environment on Individual Workers’ Commuting Behavior in Beijing[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, <year>2013, <volume>7(5): <fpage>389-<lpage>415.

The increasing emission of transport-related pollutants has become a key issue in relation to climate change mitigation and the improvement of air quality in China's cities. This article aims to examine the effects of changes in the built environment on transportation by examining the case of Beijing. Looking at household survey data, the analysis found that individual workers' commuting behavior (concerning travel destination, mode choice and travel time) is significantly related to some aspects of the built environment when socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are taken into account. There are obvious differences in the effects of the built environment on commuting across income groups, occupations and industries.

DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2012.692173     

[14] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">黄经南, <name lang="CN">杜宁睿, <name lang="CN">刘沛,<etal lang="CN">等. 住家周边土地混合度与家庭日常交通出行碳排放影响研究——以武汉市为例[J]. 国际城市规划, <year>2013, <volume>28(2): <fpage>25-<lpage>30.


<mixed-citation>[<name>Huang <given-names>Jingnan, <name>Du <given-names>Ningrui, Liu Pei et al. An Exploration of Land Use Mix Around Residence and Family Commuting Caused Carbon Emission : A Case Study of Wuhan City in China. Urban Planning International, <year>2013, <volume>28(2): <fpage>25-<lpage>30.] [15] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Knaap <given-names>Gerrit-Jan, <name>Song <given-names>Yan, <name>Nedovic-Budic <given-names>Zorica.Measuring Patterns of Urban Development: New Intelligence for the War on Sprawl[J]. Local Environment, <year>2007,<volume>12(3): <fpage>239-<lpage>257.

Abstract In this article, we compute a variety of measures of urban form (or sprawl) for neighbourhoods of varying age in five study areas in the US to illustrate urban development patterns. Our analysis suggests that some characteristics of development patterns differ significantly within and across study areas and over time; this raises doubt about the utility of sprawl indexes for entire metropolitan areas. The findings suggest, for advocates of ‘smart growth’, that the good news is that single family lot sizes are falling, density is getting higher and neighbourhoods are becoming more internally accessible. For the same advocates, the bad news, however, is more extensive: houses are becoming larger, neighbourhoods are becoming more isolated, land uses remain separated and pedestrian accessibility to commercial uses is falling. If these trends continue, it is likely that housing will remain unaffordable, traffic congestion will only get worse and developments will be unsustainable.

DOI: 10.1080/13549830601183412     

[16] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Kitamura <given-names>Ryuichi, <name>Mokhtarian Patricia <given-names>L, <name>Laidet <given-names>Laura.A Micro-Analysis of Land Use and Travel in Five Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area[J]. Transportation, <year>1997,<volume>24(2): <fpage>125-<lpage>158.:1017959825565

This study examined the effects of land use and attitudinal characteristics on travel behavior for five diverse San Francisco Bay Area neighborhoods. First, socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics were regressed against number and proportion of trips by various modes. The best models for each measure of travel behavior confirmed that neighborhood characteristics add significant explanatory power when socio-economic differences are controlled for. Specifically, measures of residential density, public transit accessibility, mixed land use, and the presence of sidewalks are significantly associated with trip generation by mode and modal split. Second, 39 attitude statements relating to urban life were factor analyzed into eight factors: pro-environment, pro-transit, suburbanite, automotive mobility, time pressure, urban villager, TCM, and workaholic. Scores on these factors were introduced into the six best models discussed above. The relative contributions of the socio-economic, neighborhood, and attitudinal blocks of variables were assessed. While each block of variables offers some significant explanatory power to the models, the attitudinal variables explained the highest proportion of the variation in the data. The finding that attitudes are more strongly associated with travel than are land use characteristics suggests that land use policies promoting higher densities and mixtures may not alter travel demand materially unless residents' attitudes are also changed.

DOI: 10.1023/A:1017959825565     

[17] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Taylor Michael A <given-names>P, <name>Ampt Elizabeth <given-names>S. Travelling Smarter Down Under: Policies for Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change in Australia[J]. Transport Policy, <year>2003, <volume>10(3): <fpage>165-<lpage>177.

Travel demand management approaches that incorporate voluntary travel behavior change programs have become increasingly common in Australia. These programs seek to find ways for individuals and households to choose their own method of changing travel behavior rather than acting in response to external policies or pressures. This paper examines the issues related to voluntary travel behavior change programs, discusses the techniques used and comments on the results. The programs show evidence that a sizeable minority of households and individuals can be attracted to the programs and that these participating households significantly reduce their use of private motor vehicles. There is also evidence from some communities that significant economic benefits result from these programs, but further research is needed to investigate the transferability of these outcomes to other cities and regions. At the local level, a range of non-transportation benefits has been found, including changes in land use, social interaction, economic development and health indicators. As a consequence, government agencies responsible for a wide range of community and social areas have begun to show interest in the travel behavior change programs. Two key challenges have emerged: (1) measurement tools are hard to implement or the changes are on a scale smaller than that at which measurement is usually made and (2) the clients for the programs have thus far been transportation organizations and their only relevant outcome is travel change. Since other government agencies are beginning to see the relevance and potential of the programs, survey instruments should be developed to quantitatively measure the non-travel benefits resulting from these programs.

DOI: 10.1016/S0967-070X(03)00018-0     

[18] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Kwan <given-names>MeiPo. Gender and Individual Access to Urban Opportunities: A Study Using Space-time Measures[J]. The Professional Geographer, <year>1999,<volume>51(2): <fpage>210-<lpage>227.

Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space-time constraints in determining individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in women's everyday lives, all conventional accessibility measures suffer from an inherent “gender bias.” This study conceptualizes individual accessibility as space-time feasibility and provides formulations of accessibility measures based on the space-time prism construct. Using a subsample of European Americans from a travel diary data set collected in Franklin County, Ohio, space-time accessibility measures are implemented with a network-based GIS method. Results of the study indicate that women have lower levels of individual access to urban opportunities when compared to men, although there is no difference in the types of opportunities and areas they can reach given their space-time constraints. Further, individual accessibility has no relationship with the length of the commute trip, suggesting that the journey to work may not be an appropriate measure of job access.

DOI: 10.1111/0033-0124.00158     

[19] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">刘晓波, <name lang="CN">李珂. 城市住区规模研究[J]. 北京规划建设, <year>2011, (6): <fpage>98-<lpage>106.


DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-627X.2011.06.025     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Liu <given-names>Xiaobo, <name>Li <given-names>Ke.Research of Urban Settlement Scale. Beijing City Planning & Construction Review, <year>2011, (6): <fpage>98-<lpage>106.]

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[11] 柴彦威, 肖作鹏, 刘志林. 基于空间行为约束的北京市居民家庭日常出行碳排放的比较分析[J]. 地理科学, 2011, 31(7): 843-849.

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