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新疆历史 在 中国民族与地方史志 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-10-11 06:53












新疆历史 在 中国民族与地方史志 分类中 的翻译结果


    Some Basic Problems of Study on Xinjiang History



    Several Topics in the Research of Xinjiang History



    From the long river of Xinjiang history, we can easily find that the development of road communication and transportation has played a very important role in the political, economic and cultural development of Xinjiang.



    The paper studies five important topics in the research of Xinjiang history: the administration of Xinjiang by the successive central governments; Xinjiang is the common homeland for various ethnic groups; diverse religions coexist in collision in Xinjiang;




    Some Basic Problems of Study on Xinjiang History



    Several Topics in the Research of Xinjiang History



    From the long river of Xinjiang history, we can easily find that the development of road communication and transportation has played a very important role in the political, economic and cultural development of Xinjiang.



    The paper studies five important topics in the research of Xinjiang history: the administration of Xinjiang by the successive central governments; Xinjiang is the common homeland for various ethnic groups; diverse religions coexist in collision in Xinjiang;




    The Five Basic Problems in the Development of the History of Xinjiang



    An Extensive Discussion on the History of China's Xinjiang



    Shift of the Politcial-econcmic center of xinjiang in the History



    Xinjiang抯 population development of Qing Dnast in the history of Xinjiangand of its population occupies an important position and topped all previous recordscomparing with any previous Dynasties before it in the Chinese history.

    清代新疆人口发展在新疆历史上及新疆人口史上,占有重要的地位,是前代所不及的。 清政府统一新疆以后,由于边疆地区的特殊性,新疆地区人口的发展同内地人口发展相比,既有相同之处,也有不同,这是历史发展符合历史辩证唯物主义共性与个性、普遍性与特殊性的具体体现。


    After Qing dynasty unified Xinjiang region, it took large measures to develop agriculture in the north of Tianshan Mount and broke the situation of “agriculture in south, pasture in north”.





The paper makes a macro study on Xinjiang's history, thinking that we, who are researching Xinjiang's history, are required to stand in the back of history,and know not only our ancestors' exploiture and opening-up of Xinjiang, but also their explorations and studies over Xinjiang. Our starting point and end-result to know Xinjiang's history are that it is numerous nationalities who created Xinjiang's history and Xinjiang is an indivisible part of China. What consist of the five basic questions in the development...

The paper makes a macro study on Xinjiang's history, thinking that we, who are researching Xinjiang's history, are required to stand in the back of history,and know not only our ancestors' exploiture and opening-up of Xinjiang, but also their explorations and studies over Xinjiang. Our starting point and end-result to know Xinjiang's history are that it is numerous nationalities who created Xinjiang's history and Xinjiang is an indivisible part of China. What consist of the five basic questions in the development of Xinjiang follows bellow: the administration of Xinjiang in past dynasties, Xinjiang being a homestead of numerous nationalities instead of certain one, various religions coexisting here with clashes, multiculture's coexistence and blending as well as being complementary, the history and reality of stationing troops to open up wastland and garrisoning the frontiers having been necessary and reasonable. What we should pay attention to is that we, in the past, made ourselves acquainted with Xinjiang's history just in order to research it better, but now, we have to make further study over it in order to understand the present situation of Xinjiang better as well as to resolve the problems better.

文章对新疆历史研究做了宏观探讨 ,认为研究新疆历史首先要站在历史的脊梁上观察历史 ,既要了解我们先辈对新疆的开拓和开发 ,也要了解前人对新疆的探索和研究 ;众多民族共同创造了新疆的历史和新疆是统一多民族国家不可分割的一部分 ,是我们认识新疆历史的出发点和归宿点 ;历代王朝对新疆的治理 ,新疆是各民族共同生活的大家园而不是哪一个民族的家园 ,多种宗教在碰撞中并存 ,多元文化的共存、交融与互补 ,屯垦戍边的历史与现实证明了其必要性和合理性 ,构成了新疆历史发展的五个基本问题 ;以往了解历史是为了研究历史 ,现在研究历史是为了更好地了解现状和解决现实中的问题 ,这是我们研究新疆历史应该注意到的。

The territory of Xinjiang is the first of the basic problems to be solved in the study. Since ancient time Xinjiang has been a place where different ethnic groups live together and hence a multi-religional and multi-cultural area. The basic problems of historical study also include policies of the governments during different historical periods and the trade and cultural exchange along the Silk Road.

历史上新疆的地理范围是新疆历史研究首先要解决的问题 ,新疆自古以来就是一个多民族聚居、多元文化、多种宗教并存的地区 ,历代中央政府对新疆的治理 ,丝绸之路与中外经济、贸易、文化交流 ,这些是新疆历史研究重点阐述的内容

The paper studies five important topics in the research of Xinjiang history: the administration of Xinjiang by the successive central governments; Xinjiang is the common homeland for various ethnic groups; diverse religions coexist in collision in Xinjiang; different cultures coexist, complement and blend into each other; the historical position of the cultivation and guarding of the frontier area. Meanwhile, the paper holds that the basic point for the research of Xinjiang history is to face the reality and...

The paper studies five important topics in the research of Xinjiang history: the administration of Xinjiang by the successive central governments; Xinjiang is the common homeland for various ethnic groups; diverse religions coexist in collision in Xinjiang; different cultures coexist, complement and blend into each other; the historical position of the cultivation and guarding of the frontier area. Meanwhile, the paper holds that the basic point for the research of Xinjiang history is to face the reality and look toward the future, and this is the request of the reality of Xinjiang today as well as the need for the development of frontier research in China.



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