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发布时间:2019-06-03 19:01
[Abstract]:Enterprise legal system is supported by enterprise laws, regulations and regulations, which is of great significance to the coordination of microeconomic activities. With the deepening of system reform and the improvement of market economy system, the reconstruction of enterprise legal system becomes very urgent. The main content of this paper is to reconstruct the enterprise legal system by using the mature theory of civil and commercial law, and to bring the enterprise legal system into the civil and commercial legal system of our country. Thoroughly solve the fundamental defects of the disconnection between the enterprise legal system and the market economy system in our country. In order to complete the civil law reform of enterprise law, we should first seek a breakthrough in the basic theory of enterprise law, redefine the basic meaning of enterprise, and keep the basic theory of enterprise law and the theory of civil and commercial law coordinated and consistent. Here, the article focuses on the analysis of the legal meaning of the enterprise, corrects the previous wrong point of view, and regards the enterprise as a business object. Drawing lessons from the mature theory and successful legislative practice of other countries and regions, taking the new view of enterprise as the guiding ideology, using the basic theory of civil and commercial law to reshape the enterprise law, fully tap the potential of the enterprise and give full play to the value of the enterprise, Reconstruct the enterprise legal system and complete the modernization of enterprise law. As the pillar of modern commercial economy, enterprises are in an absolute leading position in modern society, and they have become an important part of modern commercial law. In the scope of commercial law, the application of civil law theory to the reconstruction of enterprise law is also of great significance to the commercial law of our country, which can not only bring the enterprise law into the civil and commercial legal system of our country. Moreover, it can perfect the commercial legal system of our country and completely change the original legislative structure and value orientation of commercial law. This paper is divided into five chapters, according to the thinking logic from theory to practice. The first three chapters of this paper introduce the actual situation of enterprise law in our country, point out the practical problems existing in the enterprise legal system of our country, and focus on the theoretical analysis of these problems. In theory, the preparation of the reconstruction of the enterprise legal system has been completed. The last two chapters use the theory of civil and commercial law, especially the basic theory of real right in civil law, to construct the enterprise legal system, which is mainly divided into two parts: the enterprise owner system and the enterprise property right system. It provides a concrete feasible scheme for the reconstruction of enterprise legal system.


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